
Saturday 25 February 2012

How Celebrity is Celebrity

What really makes a celebrity a honest celebrity? Is it the news coverage? The pursuit of tabloids? Perhaps sheer popularity is what drives us to call movie stars, musicians, and politicians celebrities. If that is the case, are the non-traditional stars celebrities as well?

In order to acquire a good respond to this quandary, one must see for a celebrity index. CelebrityContest.glean has developed an algorithm to build a value to a celebrity, distinguished as stocks are assigned a monetary value in order for plot visitors or members to develop celebrity portfolio. The algorithm takes into consideration the amount and timing of news items pertaining to celebrities as well as the popularity of the celebrity as a share of online portfolios. But does this adequately measure the amount of celebrity area an individual has achieved?


To settle this, we need to deem what celebrity actually means. The American Heritage Dictionary defines celebrity as "a noted person," or "renown, fame." That definition is very titanic indeed. To be renown is to simply be famous. Osama Bin Laden is eminent, but does not necessarily have the same following as Jessica Alba. By this definition, however, they are both celebrities.

Thus, to be a celebrity, one must be either famed or faulty, and the distinction is not relevant. By this same token, individuals who have developed a following in unconventional ways such as the internet or reality programming are certainly celebrities as well - albeit some have more global coverage than others. So to measure the amount of celebrity an individual has obtained, one would simply need to measure his or her popularity.

Measuring Popularity

Before the information age, to measure popularity would involve countless newspaper and magazine searches. Print resources as well as television and radio contained any and all celebrity news and gossip. With the advent of the internet, this changed, of course. In exhibit times, the internet has not only opened countless doors to those aspiring to stardom, but has developed a multitude of news and gossip outlets as well.

Most of the passe media outlets - magazines, newspapers, radio, and television have developed an online presence. Often these websites hold more information pertaining to celebrities than the current medium. Those eager in entertainment news now have almost countless methods to derive the information they observe.

The fastest method to come by information online, however, is through the search engines. Major search engines index all web pages and online news items as they are developed, and offer users a chance to hone in on the desired material. Searching for celebrities will pull up thousands, if not millions, of relevant results. It follows that by simply counting the number of searches and articles for each celebrity, one could understand the popularity of that individual.

Celebrity Contest

It seems the algorithm developed by holds just. The algorithm assigns value to a celebrity based on the number and age of news items and searches, which is the best indicator of